August 21, 2007


Where would I be without my frog-juggling sister?
Thank you for encouraging your readers to come here after my absense.
There are many other things I could thank you for, but this isn't the time or the place...
By the way, your site is amazing and addictive.


Juggling Frogs said...

o o o! I really like this! A link to ME and two posts in two days. Life is good!

I'm so glad you're posting again!

Thanks for the kind words and the link, too!

Anonymous said...

So how do we go about making you feel guilty?

How about:
You don't write, you don't blog - we were worried sick! Thought maybe, chalila, you chucked the whole thing. I couldn't sleep, couldn't eat ...

Anonymous said...

Kesiva vChasima Tova ,

and I hope we will get to read something new from you at least each week this coming year :-)

Juggling Frogs said...

Yeah. What anonymous(es) said.


cwexl said...

Wow, Jewish Mom much???